Am I "being ignorant"?
Am I "demonstrating my privilege"?
Am I "supporting the patriarchy/rape culture"?
No. Those are simply the claims of people who prefer to view the issue of sexual assault through ridiculous gender-political rhetoric instead of from a reality-based perspective.
Let me clarify. This is one of the "coercions" I'm talking about. I've also seen simple harassment and even just asking more than once referred to as "coercion." That means I'm talking about the "popular usage" definition, rather than the "dictionary" definition.
Of course, any time you address "coercion" in that context and claim that it is not the same thing as rape, you'll be met with the same people who use the word that way quoting definitions like this (actual examples I've encountered):
co·er·cion [koh-ur-shuhn]and
the act of coercing; use of force or intimidation to obtain compliance.
Coercion is not harassment.and
Coercion is forcing someone to through direct force or intimidation.
Coersion can include threats like "I'll kill your family"and
1. to restrain or dominate by forceand
2 to compel to perform an act or choice
3 to achieve by force or threat
Someone intimidated into not saying being coerced, and as such it is rape.and
and If you say yes ONLY because you're afraid saying no may get you hurt very very badly, YOU ARE STILL BEING RAPED.
Coercion: the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.and
Coercing someone into having sex with you is rape.and
Rape is penetration without consent. Coercion, like violence, is one of the methods used to commit rape. If non-consexual penetration happens through coercion, it is still rape.while they absolutely ignore the fact that you're responding to how they themself are using the word and exclaim "that's not the definition of coercion!" when "coercion" is being linked with "rape" so they can try to sneak harassment, asking more than once, even just being a woman under the "rape victim" umbrella at the expense of actual rape victims.
Well, if something is not "coercion" and if you care about rape as something other than just a word you can use to inflate sympathy and status for other things, then stop intentionally using words incorrectly to do just that, you dishonest, rhetoric parroting, victim politics pandering, dumbshits. Because when you use a word like "coercion" for everything, including things which have nothing to do with rape, then no, it's not "the same thing" as rape.
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