Point #1:
People don't like to set themselves apart from the group, especially
when it involves conflict or inconvenience.
How often do people go out of their way to get involved in
argument between two strangers? How often do
you? When two
people are screaming at each other about one of them taking the spot the other
wanted in a parking lot, how likely is it that people are going to head away so they don't have
to deal with it, rather than heading toward
the noise to see if they can help? How often do you see youtube videos where instead of stopping
to help somebody getting their ass kicked, people stop
to record it instead? How
often do you see people
stranded on the side of the road for long periods of time while hundreds of cars
pass by, simply because nobody stops to help? Have you not heard of cases
where somebody preventably died from an injury, hear attack, etc. while people were crowded around them, simply because
nobody bothered to call 911?
Are people just not aware of the concept of "mob mentality" anymore? People
generally don't want to be the first person to assert themself and get
involved in
any case where there's a group doing nothing. That's just
the way it is with
everything. When you're yelling at somebody on a crowded bus, don't be surprised when
nobody wants to stick their neck out by both asserting themself from the crowd
and white-knighting for you. It's not "rapeculture" that keeps them from doing
it. It's general human social
It is the ultimate narcisism to see people
not treating your
issue any differently from every other issue simply because it is
important to
you and you interpret that as "a unique systemic form of
That's not "rapeculture." That's rape hysteria.
Point #2:
There is no guarantee that sticking your neck out for somebody else
will be appreciated.
I've more than once had to put myself in danger to protect somebody and I can
tell you, it's a crap shoot whether the person you're trying to help will end up
being friend or foe based on your involvement. Try to break up a fight between
two people and they could both just end up fighting you, instead of each other. There was a particular incident that stands out for me where a single guy, too
drunk to stand reliably was about to get jumped by 6 larger, more coordinated
guys who thought he was slinging ethnic slurs at them. I physically had to place
myself in front of him and fend off/absorb the brunt of their aggression so they
didn't literally beat him to death. After I'd called the police and they flat
out refused to show up or even file a report on the incident (is that "hatecrimeculture"?) the guy who was
only still breathing due to my interference on his behalf used that very breath
to call me "asshole."
Put yourself first, get called "rape supporter" for not doing anything. Put
the "victim" first, maybe
get called a rapist for your trouble.
That's not
"rapeculture." That's rape hysteria.
Point #3:
You were not being raped.
I know, it's
super-duper scary with all the hysteria about rape these days, to have a man try to actually get your attention and
-gasp- interact with you in some way. Still, some dude bothering you on a crowded bus is not the same thing as him raping you. Those people you think were participating in "rapeculture" probably could just see you were not in serious danger by the fact that:
a. you were sitting there arguing with him, instead of trying to get away from him
b. he was not physically attacking you
c. you were in a public setting with other people available to help if things went really bad
d. you were not asking for help from anybody else
If you want to require people to automatically rush to the aid of the damsel in (minor) distress every time some man says something she finds unpleasant, then I suggest you start a social movement to turn the clock back to before "equality" was a goal, because that's the "oppressive" way things used to be. Men used to
duel over stupid shit like "offending a lady." If, however, you want to be taken seriously as a capable adult human,
equal to men, you're going to have to "man up" and fight your own "battles" (to use the term loosely) on occasion.