The protests of "boy's and men's issues" lectures at the University of Toronto, being a good example. There were plenty of people holding signs and screaming chants, but how many of the protesters have actually read anything written by the people speaking before branding them "misogynists"? How many of the protesters actually bothered to investigate the topics being presented or listen to what was being said before labelling it "hate speech"?
Or did they just hear somebody in their "women's studies" group say "misogynist" and "hate speech" and line up to oppose it?
When somebody tells you something, it doesn't mean they actually have a clue what they're talking about, or if they do, that they're being honest about it. You need to do your own research and form your own opinion about it, based on your own investigation and rumination on the subject.
Another good example:
URGENT: Take a stand against discrimination
We expect the House to soon take up a bill that would allow any healthcare-related institutions in the state to exempt themselves from discrimination laws that currently protect gay and transgender people.
Now, please feel free to inform me where this "danger to gay and transgender people" is outlined in the actual bill as passed by the senate, because all I see is a pretty reasonable-looking outline of legal protection for doctors and nurses who have a moral or religious objection to performing specific procedures, as long as it is not a significant part of the employer's business and under non-emergency conditions only. There's nothing about allowing anybody to discriminate against providing healthcare services to any people in there.
I'll say it again.
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